Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017

gambar Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017

With Adobe Acrobat Pro , you’ll be able to create, edit, and digitally sign your PDFs with ease.

The 2017 version of Acrobat Pro features the Compare Files tool, which allows you to quickly and accurately detect differences between two PDF files. It also adds tabbed viewing, so you can view all your PDFs in a single window. The Edit PDF tool provides more options, such as creating numbered or bulleted lists. Use the enhanced Tools search to quickly find the tool you need to complete your task.

Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017
Best For: Businesses looking to make a one-time purchase
Desktop App: Acrobat 2017
Management & Deployment:
– Adobe Licensing Website—Portal to get software and serial numbers
– Enterprise Mobility Management—Solutions to distribute and manage mobile apps
Identity Management: N/A
Help & Support: Online tutorials
Included Services: Includes basic services that work on your desktop
• Fill and sign PDF forms fast with smart autofill
• Upload and send large files
– 5GB of Adobe Document Cloud storage*
– Integration with Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft OneDrive
Mobile Apps:
Adobe Acrobat Reader—Access and view PDFs on a
tablet or smartphone
Adobe Scan*—Capture forms, pictures, and notes
to turn into versatile Adobe PDFs that can be edited,
annotated, and protected
Adobe Fill & Sign—Turn digital files or paper
documents into forms you can fill, sign, and send
Product Updates: Security patches and bug fixes
Buying Programs:
– Cumulative Licensing Program (CLP)—Perpetual
licensing through 2-year agreement
– Transactional Licensing Program (TLP)—Perpetual
licensing with no contracts
Budgeting: Capital Expense
Acrobat Offers:
– Acrobat Pro 2017
– Acrobat Standard 2017

Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017 is the latest perpetual version of Acrobat. It’s the complete desktop solution for working with PDF documents. It simplifies everyday PDF tasks and includes many productivity enhancements when working with PDFs from your desktop.

Compare Files
Quickly and accurately detect differences between two PDF files with the added Compare Files tool

Tabbed Viewing
Open multiple PDFs in a single window with tabbed viewing

Scan to PDF
With the scan-to-PDF workflow, it’s easy to choose the scanning options for the results you want

Digital IDs
Digitally sign, certify, and verify documents with the updated Certificates tool

Dark UI
Change the look of Acrobat by choosing between the default light theme or an added dark theme

Edit PDFs
Edit PDFs faster with full-page paragraph reflow and easy bullet updates

Export PDFs
Export PDFs to Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint with improved bullet and table formatting

Turn Any Form into a PDF
Autofill with saved information, and then sign electronically without the need to print or fax

Work with Dropbox, Box, & OneDrive
Access, edit, and store files in your Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft OneDrive accounts

Overview Acrobat Pro 2017
Easily compare files
With the all-new Compare Files tool, you can now quickly and accurately detect differences between two versions of a PDF file.
•Compare two versions of a document to detect all text and image changes.
•View an easy-to-scan results summary that provides an overview of file differences.
•Easily move through the document to review each difference using a side-by-side or single-page view.
•Filter the changes to quickly see all text, image, annotation, formatting, header/footer, or background differences.

1. Choose Tools > Compare Files.
Note: This tool was previously named Compare Documents.
2. Select files to compare
3. Click Select File at left to choose the older file version you want to compare. Click Select File at right to choose the newer file version you want to compare.
4. Click Compare.
5. Acrobat displays the results in a new document that provides an easy-to-scan summary of all file differences.

Compare Results
Click the Go to First Change button to begin reviewing each file difference in detail.
For more information, see Compare two versions of a PDF file.

Tabbed interface for viewing multiple PDFs
Opening multiple PDFs in the same session now opens the PDFs as tabs in the same application window. You can switch among the tabs at the top of the window by clicking on the file name shown in each tab. A previous button and a next button are displayed at the top right to let you navigate through document tabs when the number of open PDFs no longer fit in the document view.

Tabbed view
Acrobat auto resizes tabs when the documents don’t fit in the view window. All the opened files are now listed towards the bottom of the Window menu. To switch to a particular opened document, either you can click the tab for the doc or choose its filename from the Window menu.

Choose a filename from the Window menu

By default, the tabbed interface is ON. To view each PDF you open in a different application window instead of a new tab, clear the Open documents as new tabs in the same window (requires restart) checkbox under Edit > Preferences > General. Then restart Acrobat.

Switch off tabbed

Create new bulleted lists
Acrobat now shows bulleted list and numbered list controls in the Edit PDF Format panel. You can now create new bulleted and numbered lists, convert an existing paragraph a bulleted or numbered list, revert lists to regular text, and convert lists from one list type to another. Acrobat now also detects additional bulleted and numbered list types in your document, if any, and shows them at the bottom of the related list pull-down menu, separated by a thin gray line.

Create new list items using the Format panel in Right
You can also use your keyboard to add a list item. For example, before a paragraph, you can type number ‘a’ followed by the closing parenthesis ‘)’ and then add one space. Acrobat automatically inserts a numbered list starting with “a)”.

Easier scan to PDF
The Scanner tool now has a new simplified interface. The new interface makes it easy for you to quickly scan paper documents to PDFs using the default settings or a preset option. It also makes it easy for you to fine-tune scan settings from the same interface using radio buttons, a gear icon, or both.

To access the Scanner tool, go to Tools > Create PDF > Scanner.

Use digital IDs
The all-new Certificates tool makes it easier than ever to digitally sign, certify, and verify documents with a digital ID.
•Get set up easily. Find your existing digital IDs from files, smart cards, or USB token devices and configure them easily for signing.
•Customize your signature appearance. Add valuable information to your signatures, such as a logo, date, location, or signing reason.
•Use your signature image. Draw your signature or upload a scanned image to add it to your digital identity.

New digital ID configuration workflows
You can use existing digital IDs or create new ones. Based on whether a digital ID is available on your machine or not, you will see one of the two workflows described below.

When no digital ID is available:
When you create or click a signature field and no digital ID is available, you see the following prompt.

Configure Digital ID prompt
Click Configure Digital ID. The Configure a Digital ID for signing dialog is displayed

Select the type of Digital IDSelect the type of digital ID desired, click Continue, and then follow the wizard to create the ID.

If you select Create a new Digital ID, the next set of options are displayed based on your Operating SystemSelect the location to save the digital ID

On Windows
Select the location to save the digital ID

On Mac OS, you see a new option – Save to Apple Keychain

When one or more digital IDs are found:
When you create or click a signature field and one or more valid digital IDs are available for signing, you see the following dialog box to choose your preferred digital ID. Choose a Digital ID from the list

Select the desired ID and continue with the signing. For more information, see Digital IDs.

Improved tools
– Use the enhanced tools search in the right-hand pane to quickly find the tool you need to complete a given task.
– Search for a tool or command from the right-hand pane
– Send and manage shared reviews on Mac
– Now you can initiate and participate in SharePoint-based shared reviews on Mac to give and get feedback quickly.

Select a UI theme
In addition to the Light Gray theme, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader now has a new Dark Gray theme, which is in line with other Creative Cloud products, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. This theme provides an attractive visual experience, especially when working with rich colors and designs. It also makes cross-application work simpler than ever.

By default, the theme continues to be Light Gray. To change it to Dark Gray, go to View > Display Theme > Dark Gray.

A new dark gray theme

Enhanced commenting
Give and get fast, clear feedback with all-new commenting tools and an intuitive, touch-friendly interface.
•Customize the comment toolbar to see the features you use.
•Easily change the color, font, or size of comment text.
•Easily view and navigate through comments. You can organize comments by page, author, date, type, checkmark status, or color. Filters also support quick management of comments.
•Reply to sticky notes with a single-thread that presents all replies to an annotation in one conversation.
•Tap on fillable text fields to bring up the soft keyboard on touch-enabled devices.
•Use keyboard shortcuts for commenting actions, including delete, replace, or add a note to text. When you open the Comment tool, the text markup shortcuts are enabled by default.
•Use the new highlighter pen to mark up scanned documents without needing to run OCR.

Easily change the color, font or size of comment text
– Easily discover and modify text highlight color – the Color Picker is available on the Comment toolbar.
– Color Picker on the Comment toolbar
– Text formatting tools appear automatically for typewriter and text box tools. The moment you click anywhere on a page, the – Text Properties pop-up menu appears below the Comment toolbar.
– Text formatting tools appear automatically for typewriter and text box tools

Easily view and navigate through comments
– Page-based organization in the comments pane.
– Page-based organization of comments
– Reply to Sticky Notes with a single-thread experience
– Each annotation is now equivalent to a conversation and all replies appear like a single-thread experience.
– Single-thread reply experience

Draw using DirectInk
Acrobat now supports Microsoft’s new DirectInk technology. It enables you to use your finger or a hardware pen to draw and write more smoothly on PDFs on Windows 10 devices.

Preview files
Preview files and open popular tools directly from the Home view. When you click a filename in the recent file list, a details panel appears in the right pane showing a thumbnail preview of the file along with frequently used tools. Click to open a tool or select Remove From Recent to remove a file from the recent file list.


System requirements Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017 For Windows :
– 1.5GHz or faster
Operating System:
– Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit), 2012 (64-bit), 2012 R2 (64-bit), or 2016 (64-bit)
– Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
– Windows 8 (32/64-bit)
– Windows 10 (32/64-bit)

Hard Disk:
– 2.5 GB of available free space

– 1 GB of RAM

Optical Drive:

– 1024×768 screen resolution
– Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 (Windows 8 minimum), or 11; Firefox (ESR)
– Video hardware acceleration (optional)

– This software will not operate without activation. Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.

System requirements Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017 For Mac :
– Intel processor
– Mac OS X v10.10, Mac OS X v10.11, or macOS v10.12
– 1GB of RAM
– 2.75GB of available hard-disk space
– 1024×768 screen resolution
– DVD-ROM drive required (if installing from disc)
– Safari 8.0 for Mac OS X v10.10, Safari 9.0 for Mac OS X 10.11, Safari 10.0 for macOS v10.12 (browser plug-in for Safari is supported on 64-bit Intel processor only)
– Video hardware acceleration (optional)
– This software will not operate without activation. Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.* Phone activation is not available.

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