AutoCAD Design Suite Standard 2014 SLM – 767F1-548111-17Y1

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Capture and showcase CAD models
AutoCAD® Design Suite increases the power of AutoCAD software. The suite includes raster-to-vector conversion and visualization software, as well as innovative tools to capture and showcase 3D CAD models.
– AutoCAD 2014 software, for exploring 3D design concepts and speeding documentation
– Raster Design 2014 software, for converting paper documents and raster images to AutoCAD files
– SketchBook Designer 2014 software, for sketching design concepts and producing high-quality illustrations
– Showcase 2014 software, for transforming AutoCAD designs into 3D presentations you can share
– Mudbox 2014 software, for sculpting and painting 3D design concepts with precision detail

Product Description
Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite includes AutoCAD software, plus tools to create, capture, connect, and showcase your designs and streamline your workflow. New Design Feed social collaboration tools enable greater involvement with project stakeholders. Time saving enhancements speed your workflow.
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And with live maps and reality capture capabilities, AutoCAD Design Suite connects your design ideas to the real world.

From the Manufacturer
Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite includes AutoCAD software, plus tools to create, capture, connect, and showcase your designs and streamline your workflow. Extend the power of your design and documentation processes, now with support for Windows 8.
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New Design Feed tools bring social collaboration to your design, enabling greater involvement with project stakeholders. AUGI wish list items and dozens of time-saving enhancements to the most commonly-used features help speed your everyday workflow. And with live maps, geolocation, and powerful new reality capture capabilities, AutoCAD Design Suite connects your design ideas to the real world around you. The products in AutoCAD Design Suite can be used together in collaborative workflows throughout the design process—from conceptualization to final visualization.

– Capture design information and convert to DWG.
– Convert design data into DWG vector objects.
– Attach point cloud project or scan files.

– Connect AutoCAD files and settings to the cloud.
– Extend your AutoCAD with Autodesk Exchange Apps.
– Extend your workflow in one economical package.
– Design feed drives social collaboration.
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– Design almost anything with 3D free-form tools.
– Boost productivity with streamlined interaction.
– Modern UI lets you focus on designing.
– Connect your design to real-world environments.
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– Generate intelligent documentation for CAD models.
– Create sketches in Autodesk SketchBook Designer.

AutoCAD Design Suite is available in 3 editions:
– Standard: Includes AutoCAD software, plus tools to help you capture design information and showcase your designs.
– Premium: Adds 3ds Max software to transform your designs into cinematic-quality renderings.
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– Ultimate: Includes all Premium edition features, plus Alias Design advanced surfacing capabilities.

Specifications AutoCAD Design Suite Standard 2014

System Requirements
Min Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise (32/64 bits) , Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32/64 bits), Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32/64 bits), Windows 8 Enterprise (32/64 bits), Windows 8 Pro (32/64 bits)

– Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support and SSE2
– Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support and SSE2
– Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support and SSE2
– AMD Opteron with SSE2 technology

Peripheral Interface Devices: 1280 x 1024 monitor resolution, 256 MB video memory, Internet connection, Mouse or compatible device, USB port (compatible with 2.0 specification)
Platform: Windows
Software Requirements: Internet Explorer 7 or later

System Requirements Details
Min Operating System: Microsoft Windows
Processor Type: Pentium 4
Memory: 4 GB (8 GB recommended)
Display resolution: 1280×1024 (1600×1050 or higher recommended) with 24-bit True Color
Hard disk free space for installation: 20 GB (33 GB recommended)
Media: USB 2.0 or DVD ROM

License Pricing: Commercial
Licensing Details: SLM , Volume Channel Partner

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