Jual EASY 3M UPS APC – Spesifikasi Dan Harga


Easy UPS 3M

UPS APC EASY 3M – UPS 60-200kVA, 400V UPS ini sangat mudah dipasang, mudah disambungkan, mudah digunakan, dan mudah diservis untuk pusat data kecil dan menengah, serta aplikasi penting bisnis lainnya.

Easy UPS 3M diproduksi oleh Schneider Electric, bagian dari seri Easy UPS 3 Phase, adalah UPS 60-200kVA 3 fase yang mudah dipasang, mudah digunakan, dan mudah diservis yang ideal untuk pusat data kecil dan menengah dan aplikasi penting bisnis lainnya. UPS Easy 3M memasok stabilitas daya dengan kinerja tahan lama dan didukung oleh fitur-fitur produk yang canggih.
Spesifikasi listrik yang kuat, dan desain yang ringkas untuk memastikan keberlangsungan bisnis anda. Dirancang dan didesain untuk pemasangan yang cepat dan mudah di pusat data atau ruang listrik, UPS yang siap pakai dari EcoStruxure ini memiliki jendela suhu pengoperasian yang luas dan perlindungan yang baik dari kelebihan beban yang kuat, semuanya dalam footprint yang ringan.
Dengan kombinasi luar biasa dari Total Biaya Kepemilikan yang rendah, spesifikasi kompetitif, dan kemudahan penggunaan, Schneider Electric Easy UPS 3M adalah pilihan yang mudah untuk kelangsungan bisnis Anda di pusat data atau ruang listrik. Layanan permulaan disertakan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja, kualitas, dan keamanan sistem Anda.

EASY UPS 3M – 60-200kVA, 400V easy-to-install, easy-to-connect, easy-to-use, and easy-to-service 3 phase UPS for small and medium data centers and other business critical applications.

The Schneider Electric Easy UPS 3M, part of the 3 phase Easy UPS series, is an easy-to-install, easy-to-connect, easy-to-use, and easy-to-service 60-200kVA 3 phase UPS ideal for small and medium data centers and other business critical applications. Easy UPS 3M supplies power stability and long-lasting performance with advanced product features, robust electrical specifications and compact design to ensure your business continuity. Designed for fast and easy installation in the data center or electrical room, this EcoStruxure-ready UPS features a wide operating temperature window and strong overload protection, all in a lightweight footprint. With its exceptional combination of low Total Cost of Ownership, competitive specifications, and ease of use, the Schneider Electric Easy UPS 3M is the easy choice for your business continuity in the data center or electrical room. Start-up service is included to optimize your system’s performance, quality, and safety.

Features And Benefits Easy UPS 3M

– Parallel capability
Multiple units can be placed in parallel to meet power capacity and redundancy requirements
– Optional SNMP Card
When you purchase the SNMP card, you can monitor and manage UPS status remotely through the UPS Web interface or through EcoStruxure IT’s cloud-based and on-premise software suites. Click here for more information about EcoStruxure IT.
– Wide Input Voltage Window
Saves your battery power for when you really need it – during power cuts!
– Replaceable dust filters
protect the UPS in harsh environments.

– Easy Loop Test
Verifies UPS performance before you connect your load, without the need for a load bank.
– Easy to install fast
Quickly roll the compact and lightweight UPS into position.
– ECO Mode
Operating mode that by-passes unused electrical components in good power conditions to achieve high operating efficiency without sacrificing protection
– Front-access servicing
Simplifies installation and UPS maintenance while minimizing space requirements.
– Straightforward installation
Including the input, output, and bypass breakers, as well as the Emergency Power Off (EPO) switch, simplifies installation planning and speeds up deployment.

Beberapa Model Produk dari Easy UPS 3M

Easy UPS 3M 60kVA 400V 3:3 UPS for external batteries, Start-up 5×8

Easy UPS 3M 80kVA 400V 3:3 UPS for external batteries, Start-up 5×8

Easy UPS 3M 100kVA 400V 3:3 UPS for external batteries, Start-up 5×8

Easy UPS 3M 120kVA 400V 3:3 UPS for external batteries, Start-up 5×8

Easy UPS 3M 160kVA 400V 3:3 UPS for external batteries, Start-up 5×8

Easy UPS 3M 200kVA 400V 3:3 UPS for external batteries, Start-up 5×8

Kata Kunci Terkait:
Easy UPS 3M, apc 3m, 3M Harga,
Beli UPS, Jual UPS, Jual Easy, jual ups apc

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