Gambar Rocscience Dips Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Orientation Data


Dips Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Orientation Data

Stereographic Projection Analysis
-Designed for interactive analysis of orientation based geological data. Visualize orientation vectors, density contours, planes, intersections, and traverses. Draw user-defined planes, sets, and annotative tools.

Kinematic Analysis
-Identify critical zones, vectors, and intersections on a stereonet overlay with the kinematic analysis of planar and wedge sliding, or direct and flexural toppling failure modes. Export kinematic results to excel, containing critical vectors and intersections for all failure modes.

Jointing Analysis
-Three built-in analysis options: Joint Spacing to calculate true or apparent spacing between joints within a set, RQD Analysis for assessing Rock Quality Designation, and Joint Frequency for counting the occurrence of joints along each 1D distance interval, on a linear or borehole traverse.

Dips across Applications

-Identify critical joint sets, folds and foliations in the rock structure using cluster analysis, fold analysis, and vector density contours.

-Quantify the rockmass based on joint spacing, joint frequency, and RQD analysis collected along boreholes, scanlines, and wall mappings.

-Identify joint sets from discontinuity clusters with the aid of vector density contour visuals. Obtain mean set orientations and set statistics (i.e., Fisher K, Variability Limit, Confidence Limit) for underground wedge analysis.

Rock Slopes
-Define kinematic properties of the slope and identify critical planes and intersections for a variety of rock slope failure modes: Planar Sliding, Wedge Sliding, Direct Toppling, Flexural Toppling.

Dips seamlessly integrates with

-Import orientation data and set statistics from Dips in SWedge to be used for Deterministic, Probabilistic or Combination Analysis.

-Import orientation data and set statistics from Dips in UnWedge to be used for Deterministic, or Probabilistic Analysis.

-Explore the latest features in Dips-

Dynamic Data Filters
-Create multiple data filter queries in the same Dips file, display dynamically filtered data and analysis results in any view (e.g., Grid Data, 2D Stereonet Plot, 3D Stereonet, Chart). Quickly create a new Dips file with a selected filter.

Kinematic Sensitivity
-Vary kinematic properties (slope dip, slope dip direction, friction angle, lateral limits) when analyzing sliding and toppling failure modes, to visualize their effects on the number of kinematically critical vectors and intersections.

2D Stereonets View Templates
-The View Templates feature allows you to efficiently save and load custom Plot Options and Display Settings to and from any Stereonet Plot View.

Grow with our Learning Resources
Explore our Learning Portal and User Guides, designed to help you excel with all of your geotechnical projects, whether you are a practicing engineer, an academic or a student.

-Dips Gets the Need For Speed With New Import Wizard

-30+ years of Dips – The Development Continues

-A Joint Effort: Analyzing Rock Slopes with Dips and SWedge

× Hubungi Kami